
This white paper outlines the comprehensive tokenomics system for the regenerative agriculture economic model, designed to incentivize sustainable practices, biodiversity conservation, and positive environmental impact. The tokenomics model integrates three native tokens – RegenToken (RGT), Biodiversity Token (BDT), and Sustainability Token (ST). Each token serves a unique purpose, fostering a holistic approach to drive the regenerative agriculture movement forward. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the token distribution, valuation, scaling strategies, and the allocation mechanisms to create a resilient and impactful economic framework.

1. Introduction:

The urgent need to address climate change and environmental degradation calls for transformative solutions in the agriculture sector. The regenerative agriculture economic model, built on blockchain technology and tokenomics, aims to revolutionize the way agricultural practices are incentivized and rewarded. The model centers around three native tokens – RegenToken (RGT), Biodiversity Token (BDT), and Sustainability Token (ST).

2. Token Distribution and Allocation:

The tokenomics system begins with an inclusive and equitable distribution of tokens, ensuring broad participation and engagement within the regenerative agriculture network.

RegenToken (RGT):

  • Presale and Initial Distribution: 40% of the total supply (40,000,000 RGT) is allocated for a presale to raise funds for network development and incentives for early adopters.
  • Community Airdrops: 5% of the total supply (5,000,000 RGT) is designated for periodic airdrops to engage and incentivize the community.
  • Rewards and Incentives: 40% of the total supply (40,000,000 RGT) is dedicated to rewarding participants contributing to the network’s sustainability goals.
  • Team and Development: 10% of the total supply (10,000,000 RGT) is reserved for the development team to sustain ongoing project development. Ecosystem Fund: 5% of the total supply (5,000,000 RGT) is allocated to an ecosystem fund to form strategic partnerships and fuel the ecosystem’s growth.

Biodiversity Token (BDT):

  • Presale and Initial Distribution: 30% of the total supply (30,000,000 BDT) is allocated to promote biodiversity conservation and regenerative agroforestry practices.
  • Community Airdrops: 5% of the total supply (5,000,000 BDT) is designated for periodic airdrops to engage and incentivize activities centered around biodiversity preservation.
  • Rewards and Incentives: 40% of the total supply (40,000,000 BDT) is dedicated to rewarding participants who prioritize biodiversity and use heirloom/native crop varieties.
  • Team and Development: 10% of the total supply (10,000,000 BDT) is reserved for the development team to support biodiversity-focused initiatives. Ecosystem Fund: 15% of the total supply (15,000,000 BDT) is allocated to promote strategic partnerships and projects that drive biodiversity conservation.

Sustainability Token (ST):

  • Minting and Distribution: 1,000 ST tokens per week (subject to adjustments based on ecosystem needs) are allocated to reward participants engaging in sustainability initiatives.

3. Token Valuation and Allocation:

The tokenomics model employs a fair and transparent valuation system to incentivize positive actions within the regenerative agriculture network.

RegenToken (RGT):

  • Data Collection and Mapping Rewards: Users earn RGT tokens based on the quality and usefulness of the data they contribute to the ecosystem. Accurate data collection fuels scientific research and enhances sustainable practices.
  • Regenerative Agriculture Activities: Farmers and producers engaging in regenerative agriculture practices receive RGT tokens based on the scale and sustainability of their efforts. This incentivizes the adoption of regenerative techniques that promote soil health and ecosystem restoration.
  • Carbon Credits: Farmers and projects actively sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are rewarded with RGT and ST tokens as carbon credits. These credits foster carbon-negative practices and mitigate climate change impacts.
  • Scientific Research Funding: Researchers conducting valuable research on regenerative agriculture and agroforestry practices receive RGT tokens to support their critical work, encouraging the advancement of sustainable agricultural knowledge.

Biodiversity Token (BDT):

  • Biodiversity Incentives: Producers dedicated to biodiversity preservation and the use of heirloom/native crop varieties receive BDT tokens as additional incentives. These tokens recognize efforts to conserve plant genetic diversity and protect ecosystems.
  • Agroforestry Initiatives: Participants involved in agroforestry projects that promote biodiversity and ecosystem services are rewarded with BDT tokens. Agroforestry enhances biodiversity and fosters sustainable land use practices.

Sustainability Token (ST):

  • Carbon Sequestration and Reduction: Users participating in projects actively sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are rewarded with ST tokens. This motivates projects that contribute to the fight against climate change by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: Projects focused on preserving and restoring biodiversity within the ecosystem receive ST tokens as a recognition of their contributions. Biodiversity conservation is fundamental to building resilient and healthy ecosystems.

4. Scaling Up and Inclusivity:

The tokenomics model is designed to scale up effectively and inclusively to accommodate growing participation and diverse communities.

  • Dynamic Token Supply: The model employs a dynamic token supply mechanism that adjusts the rate of token issuance to meet the ecosystem’s growth demands. This ensures a steady supply of rewards as the network expands.
  • Inclusive Token Distribution: To foster widespread adoption, the model utilizes periodic airdrops, referral programs, and incentivized activities that engage and onboard newcomers from diverse backgrounds.
  • Community Governance: As the network grows, decentralized governance mechanisms are introduced, involving stakeholders in decision-making processes. Community governance empowers participants to influence the ecosystem’s direction.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with like-minded organizations and initiatives expands the regenerative agriculture movement’s reach. Strategic partnerships bring in new participants, resources, and opportunities for scaling.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Feedback: The model undergoes continuous monitoring, feedback loops, and data-driven analysis to identify areas for improvement, optimize rewards, and make necessary adjustments.

5. Long-Term Sustainability and Adaptability:

The tokenomics system is designed for long-term sustainability, ensuring its stability and effectiveness as the ecosystem matures.

  • Localized Adoption: The model can be adapted to suit various regions and communities, acknowledging unique challenges and opportunities in different areas. Localization enhances engagement and adoption.
  • Education and Awareness: Investing in educational initiatives raises awareness about regenerative agriculture, tokenomics, and sustainable practices. Participants empowered with knowledge become agents of positive change.
  • Interoperability: Exploring interoperability with other blockchain networks or platforms fosters cross-network collaborations, supporting new projects, and integrating with existing systems.

6. Tokenomics for Real-World Impact:

The tokenomics system’s primary goal is to drive real-world impact, promoting regenerative agriculture, biodiversity conservation, and social equity.

  • Revolutionizing Agriculture: By incentivizing regenerative practices and biodiversity preservation, the tokenomics model revolutionizes traditional agricultural approaches. It empowers farmers to transition to sustainable techniques, restoring soil health and ecosystem balance.
  • Carbon Neutrality: Carbon credits issued through the tokenomics system encourage projects to actively sequester carbon, making a substantial contribution to global climate action and mitigating the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Biodiversity Conservation: The inclusion of the Biodiversity Token (BDT) incentivizes the protection of biodiversity and the use of heirloom/native crop varieties. Biodiversity conservation strengthens ecosystems and safeguards against crop vulnerabilities.
  • Empowering Communities: The tokenomics model fosters inclusivity and social equity by rewarding small-scale farmers and community-based projects, empowering local communities in their journey towards sustainable agriculture.

7. Regenerative Agriculture Marketplace Pricing Model

The pricing model for the Regenerative Agriculture Marketplace is designed to be dynamic, reflecting the real-world value of products and services while incentivizing sustainable practices. The model utilizes a combination of fixed prices and market-driven prices, allowing for flexibility and adaptability to different economic conditions. Here’s an overview of the pricing model for various products and services available in the marketplace:

Scion Wood and Heirloom Seeds:

Scion Wood: 1 RGT per scion cutting. Heirloom Seeds: 1 BDT per packet of heirloom/native seeds.

1-Year Saplings:

  • Apple Sapling: 500 RGT per sapling.
  • Mulberry Sapling: 400 RGT per sapling.
  • Pear Sapling: 550 RGT per sapling.
  • Hickory Sapling: 600 RGT per sapling.

Rootstock and Grafting Materials:

  • Rootstock: 100 RGT per rootstock piece.
  • Grafting Materials: 50 RGT per set of grafting materials.

Sustainable Agroforestry Tools:

  • Coppicing Tools: 200 RGT per tool.
  • Pruning Shears: 150 RGT per tool.
  • Grafting Knife: 100 RGT per knife.

Biodiversity Preservation Kits:

  • Small Kit: 200 BDT per kit (includes seeds, planting guide).
  • Medium Kit: 350 BDT per kit (includes seeds, planting guide, educational materials).
  • Large Kit: 500 BDT per kit (includes seeds, planting guide, educational materials, tools).

Carbon Sequestration Projects:

  • 1 ton of CO2 equivalent sequestered: 100 RGT + 50 ST.

Services Pricing:

  • Data Collection and Mapping Services: Varies based on the project’s scope and complexity, typically ranging from 500 to 5,000 RGT per task.
  • Regenerative Agriculture Consulting: 1,000 RGT per hour of consultation.
  • Biodiversity Surveys and Assessments: 100 BDT per survey/assessment.

Knowledge Sharing and Education:

  • Educational Resources: 50 ST per educational content shared.
  • Workshops and Webinars: Varies based on the event, typically 100 to 500 RGT per participation.

Governance and Decentralization:

  • Participatory Budgeting: 1 RGT token equals 1 voting power.
  • Proposal Funding: Approved proposals receive funding in RGT tokens, varying based on the proposal’s scope and requirements.

Value Exchange and Trade:

  • Goods and Services Marketplace: Prices of products are determined by supply and demand, with sellers setting their prices in RGT tokens.
  • Local Economies and Community Circulation: Encouragement of discounted prices for goods bought within local communities using RGT, set at the discretion of local participants.

The pricing model is continuously reviewed and adjusted based on market conditions, community feedback, and the ecosystem’s overall health. The marketplace aims to strike a balance between accessibility, sustainability, and fair compensation, encouraging active participation and supporting the transition towards regenerative agriculture practices worldwide.


The regenerative agriculture tokenomics model, encompassing RegenToken (RGT), Biodiversity Token (BDT), and Sustainability Token (ST), represents a groundbreaking approach to promoting sustainability, biodiversity, and social equity in agriculture. By aligning incentives with positive actions, the model encourages farmers, researchers, and communities to work collectively towards a more resilient and sustainable future. The system’s adaptability, continuous feedback, and focus on real-world impact ensure its efficacy in addressing global challenges while paving the way for a more regenerative and harmonious relationship with the environment.


This white paper provides an overview of the proposed tokenomics model for regenerative agriculture. It is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice. Participants should conduct their due diligence before engaging with the ecosystem and tokenomics model. The development team reserves the right to make modifications and improvements to the model as needed for the project’s long-term success.